Thursday, September 30, 2010
Set Phenomenal Goals
Set Goals that Inspire you. Goals for what you really want in life. Don't let past performance or circumstances dictate your goals. Set goals for your heart's desire. Your History is not you destiny!
To you,
You assume you know the world so well but in its twisted games you've rapidly fell. Yours lies are spun in webs of fear. Your tainted eyes hide what your heart yearns to hear. Love doesn't not find you, it doesn't know your door you've pushed it away to many times before. Oh you who judges all, when will you see the last thing you should worry about is someone like me.
Mytaege 9-30-10
Just Love
One of the most precious things in life is to feel loved, so don't just love the people around you let them know you love them. Give all the love you receive from others back, better yet give more!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
My Love
I do not love to be loved but because of love believe in love. I do not love because of what has been done, nor do I wait to love until I get what I want. I will never withdraw my love when days get hard or roads seem long. And if ever things change & your love should fade I will not forsake the promise I've made. For I am not just another woman in love,
true love lives in me.
true love lives in me.
My love is complete.
My love is unconditional.
My love is evermore! Mytaege 9-29-10
Forgiveness frees the forgiver much more than the offender
Real whole-hearted forgiveness can only take place when you've have been hurt inexcusably. It takes an unconditional forgiveness flowing from unconditional love. We must learn to love unconditionally people who don’t deserve it & forgive them when they do something inexcusable. It's the only way to achieve true peace & freedom from the wrongs others have done and the pain their actions have caused. It's only through true forgiveness that the weight of vengeance is removed from our hearts & mind. When you forgive there is no obligation to carry the hurt, anger, fear or sadness anymore. The act of forgiving is not only one of the most pure acts of love form the forgiver to the offender but also for the forgiver.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Forget the ones that bring you down & embrace the ones that lift you up!
I can't worry about the deceit, insincerity or manipulation that comes from so many. I never waste energy on the people that let me down, if I did I'd be depressed all the time. I just realize who they are & then take the energy being wasted on them & put it toward something or someone deserving of it. Life is to short to not be happy. Forget the ones that bring you down & embrace the ones that lift you up.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Walk By Faith
Just like a beautiful rose growing in a garden we must grow stronger & dig through the thorns before anyone will ever see us bloom. We can't get stronger when everything is perfect so sometimes we've gotta deal with problems beyond our control. Sometimes really bad things happen to really good people. And it's just not fair. But always remember, Its not the things that happen to us in life that defines us. No, they are merely things that have happened. It's how you move forward that defines you. You are brand new in every moment. You have new thoughts, new emotions, new dreams and new ways of seeing life. Open your heart to the love & light around you especially in those tough moments and allow that love & hope to carry you through. And if you can't see it walk by faith & it will find you.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Don't Tell Me, Show Me!
I love my life & the people in it. Even on " bad" days I'm blessed beyond measure & am fully aware of the gifts God has placed before me! It is through the love of God I have found pure grace to boldly live my life & not only dream but have the courage and convictions to relentlessly chase & achieve anything my heart desires. I don't need to stand on a soap box and preach to those I know. I hope & truly pray those who know me can see the love I have found in God in my day to day actions. I would far rather my deeds be a testament of my faith. I have found daily actions are far more powerful than mere words ♥
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This is YOUR life do it big & do it now!
Yesterday is gone! So is everything that's been holding you back unless YOU decide to let it affect you. Forget the excuses. Forget about waiting for the perfect moment. Now is the time to get started! Not tomorrow, not this afternoon, not ten minutes from now, NOW! There is no time better than now to be who you've always wanted to be. Dream the big dreams, reach for the stars, set yourself on the path of success. This is YOUR life do it big & do it now!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Smile & Laugh your way through obstacles
Smile & Laugh your way through obstacles. Nothing in life worth having is easy. Life gets hard & sometimes days just suck. But you gotta take the good with the bad & the happy with the sad. We would never truly appreciate the good if that's all we ever had. You have to feel the truth of pain to fully understand the beauty of happiness.
The Perfection in Imperfection
The imperfections in life is what makes the journey so beautiful. Don't look down on or past them embrace & accept them. You might not have planned for the path your own but your on it for a reason. It could be simply to bring beauty & love to those around you. To learn, teach, or maybe so someone can find you. Whatever the reason God put you right where you are purposefully. What could you be missing by simply not seeing the perfection in imperfection?
Mastin Says
My name is Mastin Kipp & I am the Founder of The Daily Love. Photo by Sara Morrison.
My name is Mastin Kipp & I am the Founder of The Daily Love. Photo by Sara Morrison.
Take the seriousness out of the outcome. Take the negative stress out of the process and see life, projects, relationships and everything you do as a giant creative experiment.
Seeing life this way will take away the fearful "negative" outcomes and not getting it "perfect" and finally let you open up and start living your life from your creative center.
You weren't born to get it perfect. You were born to live and learn and express your gifts to the world. The most important part is getting started and letting yourself learn and mess up.
Celebrate that you are on the path and don't be concerned with the outcome. Be in the process and work on improving daily and know it's perfect to be imperfect.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Enemy of Love
The other great enemy of love is fear. Fear contracts the heart. It's worries & anxieties stop the flow of love. Do we really want to live in fear?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Just Be You
Nothing you can possibly do can make someone love you more than they naturally will. You can change everything about you but if they don't love YOU they never will. Be yourself! Strive to be the very best you can be because you a worth nothing less! Someone who loves you is going to love you, ALL of you! They will love you for everything you are, everything your not, and everything you hope to become. Don't change you to be with someone. Change you because in your heart you know that is what your meant to be. God has a plan for each of us. Follow your path. Be true to yourself. Those who really love you will be there cheering you on the whole way. Love doesn't judge! Love doesn't hold back. Love doesn't limit. Love is always and forever and limitless. Don't be afraid to say who you are. You are perfect as you are and will grow ever more beautiful in the light of love. Just be you because a true friend would never want or ask for anything more! ~ Mytaege
I'm sharing this again because I think new friend really needs these words today! Please always remember the people we meet in life may Complement us but no one else can Complete us. If there is something missing in your life emotionally you must look inside yourself to find the answer. Finding happiness in someone else is only a temporary solution if you don't have true happiness within. Have faith in yourself & know you are good enough. When the right person comes along you won't have to tell them they will tell you. They will accept & love you for who you are just as you are. They will believe in you more than you've ever believed in yourself. They will make you want to be a better person because all they see is the very best that you are. Your flaws & wrongs as you see them will not matter in their eyes because to them it's part of what makes you exquisite. The right person will never ask you to change nor would that want you to because to them your beautiful just the way you are.
I'm sharing this again because I think new friend really needs these words today! Please always remember the people we meet in life may Complement us but no one else can Complete us. If there is something missing in your life emotionally you must look inside yourself to find the answer. Finding happiness in someone else is only a temporary solution if you don't have true happiness within. Have faith in yourself & know you are good enough. When the right person comes along you won't have to tell them they will tell you. They will accept & love you for who you are just as you are. They will believe in you more than you've ever believed in yourself. They will make you want to be a better person because all they see is the very best that you are. Your flaws & wrongs as you see them will not matter in their eyes because to them it's part of what makes you exquisite. The right person will never ask you to change nor would that want you to because to them your beautiful just the way you are.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Powerful
Few among us are confident enough in our selves to not treat others like trash or to allow others to trash us. To look past the normal manipulative mindset the world has become accustomed to. Few of us have the strength to stand up for whats right. The voice to speak, but the wisdom to know when silence is more important. Those who have strength accompanied by wisdom & grace to walk through life they are the powerful!
If We Are the Body
We are always so hard on each other. Worried about our own problems we forget that everyone around us has their own battles they are going through. If we simply reached out to one another and extended a hand to help the world would be a much better place. It's hard to dwell on your own problems when you helping someone... else. If all you do is smile and hug someone today start with that. We should all be helping each other & having an attitude of gratitude! And if you ever need me to lend a hand just reach out that's why God put me here ;-)
******Public Service Announcement******
Yesterday is over and gone. Let all problems, strife, bitterness, anger, or any other burden that is holding you back go today! Don't let the problems of yesterday keep you from becoming your very best today. Don't wait! There is no time like the NOW to start a new! Don't wait for other people to do it first. Start with you & those around you will follow. It takes someone to break the cycle. Will you stand and be that someone? I know I' standing, stand with me!
Your intended for greatness!!
Each challenge in life makes us stronger & appreciate life a little bit more. You'll never know how strong you truly are if your never brought to your weakest & fight to get back to the top. We're never given more than we are capable of not " overcoming" but fighting though & coming out victoriously! God only gives the strongest & most worthy the toughest challenges in life! Why? Because your intended for greatness!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Made me smile, laugh & cry all at the same time. I LOVE THIS ♥
I Love This Nothing Could Be More True! An Amazing Man An Amazing Testament of True Strength!!
Short & Sweet
Live your life being happy! Never waste time or energy worrying about what other people think of you. Spend your energy on the ones worth it, the ones you love that love you in return✌ღ☺
The greatest gift I was ever given
It's truly awesome how life works. All of a sudden one day you wake-up & all the pain & hurt that was ever there is gone & you just feel true acceptance & love. Been that way for a while & I love it. It's nice waking up knowing your days are just going to get better. It took a true friend to open my eyes & heart and bring me back to life from within. Life is good when you love others & they love you but you can never truly appreciate it until you truly LOVE YOURSELF. So tonight around a year of my"Awakening" I'm gonna party & celebrate & know I'll never way any other way again. The greatest gift I was ever given was buy the person who taught me how to love trust & accept myself ♥
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
L'amore è uno dei gioielli più rari della vita, tesoro l'amore con tutto il tuo cuore
.L'amore è uno dei gioielli più rari della vita, tesoro l'amore con tutto il tuo cuore. Quando si trova qualcuno che ti ama così come sei, è salda nei momenti di stress, disposti a crescere con voi e vi permette di sentire comunque si sceglie di stare in qualsiasi momento - non vi è nulla di più si potrà mai trovare in una persona. Hai trovato il Vero Amore, quando ti senti la paura, la paura di vulnerabilità, la paura di abbandono e la paura di lasciare andare la propria caparbia modelli egoica che mantengono il vero è separato e al sicuro da altri. La fiducia nell'amore e andare verso la tua paura, di assumere questo atto di fede l'Amore richiede per la con ricompensa dolce ღ
Troppo tardi, come al solito..
Ti ho dato il mondo, ma girava troppo veloce perchè te ne accorgessi...
Ti ho dato la luna, ma era troppo statica per suscitarti un'emozione...
Ti ho portato una stella, ma brllava troppo per i tuoi occhi semisocchiusi...
Alla fine ti ho dato tutta me stessa,
e mi hai detto che ormai era tardi e non é piu' quello che vuoi
Forgive such a small word
Often we refuse to forgive others because we mistakenly think that to do so is to minimize their sin.... “And that’s not fair! He really hurt me. If I forgive, who’s going to care for me and take up my cause and nurse my wounds?” God is. We must never buy into the lie that to forgive means that sin is being whitewashed or ignored or that the perpetrator is not being held accountable for his/her actions. It simply means we consciously choose to let God be the one who determines the appropriate course of action in dealing justly with the offending person… To long for justice is entirely legitimate, but to seek it for yourself is not. Let God deal with the offender in his own way at the appropriate time. He’s much better at it than your or I.
A life worth living is worth the fight!
When we are brought into this world God blesses us with the family that will help construct the heart & soul that will carry us through life. He knows who we are & what we can take. He knows our highest highs & lowest lows. My grandma always told me "Baby your going to be the best, God's got his eyes on you" She always told me God only gave the strongest & most worthy the toughest challenges in life."Only the Angels he could count on" I love my Lovey!! She put something deep inside of me from a very young age that can never be taken away no matter what happens! When life gets hard I know God's working to make me the best I can be! Life may never be easy & to be honest I hope it never is. A life worth living is worth the fight!
Kєєρ γღµʀ Hєɑʀт ღρєи.
Kєєρ γღµʀ Hєɑʀт ღρєи. Yღµ ʍɑγ тɦɨиќ тɦɑт вєςɑµsє ღƒ ωɦɑт ɦɑs ɦɑρρєиє∂ ɨи тɦє ρɑsт тɦɑт ɨт ωɨℓℓ ςღитɨиµє тღ ɦɑρρєи иღω ɑи∂ ɨи тɦє ƒµтµʀє. Iƒ γღµ sɦµт ∂ღωи γღµ ℓєт ƒєɑʀ ωɨи. Aℓℓღω ℓɨƒє тღ вє єхɑςтℓγ ɑs ɨт ɨs тღ∂ɑγ! Lєт ℓღνє ɨи тღ∂ɑγ. Bє вʀɑи∂ иєω ʀɨɢɦт иღω❥
Those I call friends
I believe there is a difference between a pretty woman and a phenomenal woman. Pretty women there are many, we cross paths with them everyday. A pretty woman may turn every head when she walks into a room but when you get to know her to know whats in her heart and mind what are her intentions do you find her to only be pretty? Or do you find that she is more than just a pretty face. We are all judged, more often than not most harshly judged buy ourselves. I look at the women in my life all different, all unique, all exquisite, all beautifully made & I know those I call friends are all not only pretty but they are ALL phenomenal women. I am truly blessed and grateful for each and every one of them
Live without regret!!!!!!!
The only thing in life worse than failure is regret. When it is all said and done we will not look back and regret loving hard, or forgiving to much. We will not regret the things we have done. We will only regret the things we never had the courage to do. You can learn alot more from loss than you can through victory. So always do your very best to Dream Big & Live Large. Live everyday without regret. Help those in need. Love those around you especially those who anger you. Live each and every day to the fullest and as it truly were your last. This is the performance of our lives, not a dress rehearsal.
To those in my life thank you for being you!!!
Be Happy
Life is to short to be anything but happy. Smile at every person you cross paths with. Help others even if it doesn't benefit you & remember everyone has their own battles there dealing with so give each other a break.
What Is A Frienemy
1.)A "toxic" person who poses as a friend but subconsciously or consciously wishes you harm.
2.)A person who you treat and whom treats you as a friendbut if they are given a chance would "cut your throat" or get one over on you/put themselves first if it would benifit themselves, or they would gain an advantage over you. Similar to an enemy.
2.)A person who you treat and whom treats you as a friendbut if they are given a chance would "cut your throat" or get one over on you/put themselves first if it would benifit themselves, or they would gain an advantage over you. Similar to an enemy.
3.)An enemy who uses friendship to conceal their attacks.
4.)A low self-esteemed person who gets close to others for social gain, money,to steal.
5.)A enemy disguised as an friend; an enemy pretending to be a friend
6.)Someone who's guts you hate allconsumingly and bitterly but with which you also have highly fascinating and fulfilling conversations with.
7.)The type of "friend" whose words or actions bring you down.(whether you realize it as intentional or not) The type of friend you ought to cut off but don't cuz they're nice good you've had good times with them. U know they're good people that you can count on to bring you down again sometime in the near future.The friend you may or may not have cornered about their quicksand like ways and keep around because "its in the past"...and so was one minute ago. The person that will continue to bring you down until you demand better for yourself.
8.)A "friend" a "bad friend" who cares only about themselves. A friend who gets their way no matter the cost, and who they step on along the way. One might stay in a "frenemy" situation because they are fearful of this person. Also known as a toxic friendship.
Long story short a frienemy is a person with whom you may have a lot of fun and/or a lot in common, who also has a vile and random dark side. These relationships are worth doing a cost/benefit analysis on. Also, limiting relationships with frenemies to non-SO relationships is a must. Why? Because it’s ultimately all about them after all, and you will need to be in a position to get away from them for indefinite periods of time. If this happens, don‘t expect everyone to get it—some will wonder why this person enrages you so much and others will wonder what you see in them.It is recommended for your own safety/sanity that you limit yourself to one frenemy at any given time in your life. I personaly think if you have one ride yourself. Life is to short to waste on fake people with fake intentions and ulterior motives.Surround yourself with love and nourishment and do not allow the creation of negativity in your environment.
Advice to a friend
We all mess up, I do daily sometimes all day and I hope when I do people forgive me with the same measure I forgive them. Remember no one can upset you or make you unhappy without your permission. You can't control what people do but you can control how you react. You can't let people in life bother you. There will always be someone there more than happy to knock you down and steal your happiness. Don't ever let them. No matter who they are. God didn't put you on this earth to be unhappy. The best way to deal with them is just be nice. That is the very best cure for a jerk. A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort ;~) I promise!!!!!
We all get what we give
We all get what we give. I never seek to get even with anyone, EVER! I know God's justice is far better than mine could ever be. I have faith in him & those I love. And I know those meant to be in my life will always be in my life. I'm in my thirties not my twenties I don't buy into these high school games. I know everything in life happens for a reason & even in tough spots keep safe in my heart that God always has my best interest at heart. I stay in his light & everything will work out for the best. The right thing is far from the most popular & sometimes a very hard lonely path. I'm true to my heart. And I love those around me enough to make them be true to theirs! Part of loving yourself means accepting every part of your you, the light and the dark. We are a wonderful amalgamation of love, spirit, thoughts, emotions, good habits, bad habits, personality quarks, dreams and intentions. To deny any part of that is to deny the miracle that is you. Freedom and happiness come when you give up the illusion of trying to be perfect so you can finally just be yourself. I am myself always! Those that love me love that! Those that truly love me I don't need to worry about they will always be there when the dust settles from a storm. Those who I can't see simply weren't meant to be!
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