Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting better

I am so happy to finally know what is wrong with me....... well at least my abdomen, lol. Now a plan is soon to follow & I can be all healthy & me again. As crazy as it sounds the hospital was a very good & now happy thing. I'm grateful that I went & more grateful that they did all the tests & found out what was wrong. It's crazy the ride life takes us on but sometimes we just need to let go & enjoy the ride ♥

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Love works

Sometimes in life all you can do is decide your walking in love no matter what. You decide your going to be the friend you want to have. The child you'd be proud of. The parent you'd always hoped to be. You look for the beauty in others. You find everything to love. Don't worry about your anger or pride. When you walk in love all the things people do that would push you away or cause hatred seem to just roll off. Walking in love is the only way I've gotten through so many things in my life. When you don't know what else to try, try love there is nothing else like it