Friday, September 27, 2013

Finally after years & years your right where your meant to be.

Sometimes when we are going through life we can't help but see the struggles, the sickness, the pain, the fighting, the chaos, the life that surrounds us every second of every day & we forget just how truly blessed we are....... We may see the good but never clearly see & appreciate the great. We see some of our blessings, some..... Then God gives us a beautiful gift & you know no mater the pain of your past your on the right path. Finally after years & years your right where your meant to be.............

Monday, September 23, 2013

Don't become your own road block in life.

Some days are easy breezy & some are more like a roller coaster. But the mood of the day starts within you. You can't control everything in life. Actually there are very few things you can control. Yourself, your emotions & your actions being some of the most important. Make sure "YOU" are inline with your goals. Focus on the things you can change, the things you can control. Because that's all you can truly do. You wanna be happy, be happy. You wanna let go of something weighing you down, LET GO. Don't become your own road block in life. Focus on the good & build yourself stronger. Everything you will ever need is deep with you. You just have to have the courage to dig deep & find it. Do you have the courage to become your very best?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Take A Chance

Life has a very fun way of giving us what we need when we need it most. 
We meet people who help us, hurt us, makes us stronger & eventually the one we are made for. Each of those people are important because each of them shape us into who we become. 
Each person that hurts us prepares us & helps us appreciate the one that will one day wipe away every tear & heal us from the inside out. I am thankful for all people through my life. Even the ones who have hurt me. No matter everything done to try & hurt me its forced me to let go f what I wanted & now I've been blessed with something so wonderful all I can do is be thankful. 
May life bring each and everyone of you the same

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Just because life isn't perfect it doesn't mean you stop trying to make it better

Love is the richest of all treasures

Love is the richest of all treasures. 
Without it there is nothing; 
and with it there is everything. 
Love never perishes , even if the bones of a lover are ground fine like powder. Just as the perfume of sandalwood does not leave it, even if it is completely ground up, similarly the basis of love is the soul, and it is indestructible and therefore eternal. Beauty can be destroyed , but not love. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You were born for greatness!

Never allow ANYONE to be in control of your altitude other than YOU!! You alone control your future, you destiny. If something isn't going the way you want, work to change it. If you come to the point you can't change things maybe its time to start something new. But no matter where you are or what your doing understand you were born for greatness! Never accept anything less!! 
If you can't soar where you are go somewhere you can!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I will See you again

In a world full of imperfection perfection exists. Those are the moments that I will treasure always!!

 I will See you again, oh 
 This is not where it ends

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Angel

Every night brings closure to so much & even tho some sadness or confusion may remain the morning always brings a beautiful new day. The Sun WILL shine even if its covered by clouds!! And while hearts may get hurt true love WILL always & FOREVER remain. I was blessed with an angel that brought me to life years ago when my soul & heart was dead. I was on a very bad
road in life & if it wasn't for God leading that angel to find me I honestly do not know if I would be alive today. I will FOREVER be thankful for the angels that walk among us. 

For my angel who has filled my world with Sunshine even on the very darkest & saddest days. I don't see my angel every day but they strengthen my every breath. And fill my heart with hope. I am a better person because of them. And will forever be grateful.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Love the unlovely

Love the unlovely. 
Trust that love is more powerful than anything else that is or will ever be. 
Know that your are made of love 
and made to love.  
Walk in love, 
through the good & bad, 
don't just talk about it 
Truly Live it everyday in every way

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day

Happy fathers day One of the most amazing men Ive ever known is my grandpa!
My father past away in 2007 but to be very honest I didn't really know him almost my whole life. I didn't even meet him until I became a teenager. I'm sure like many fathers mine did what he felt was appropriate for the time. I had a step father that was possibly the worst parent ever to walk the earth. But that was all okay. How you ask....... Because God blessed me with my Papa. And even though I didn't get to always live close enough to see him every day sometimes even every year to this day his love has made a lasting impression on my heart. I didn't even understand the depth of his love until I became an adult. It took someone very very special to me helping me open my heart & learning to love myself to learn & understand I had love around me my entire life I just couldn't see it. Because sometimes our opinion of "LOVE" isn't what the world gives us. I guess I have pretty high expectations of what LOVE should be & that's truly because of my grandpa. He is the kindest, most amazing & most wonderful man Ive know my whole entire life. He has not only taught me what a man should be he has taught me about the kind of person I long to be. Ive never once known of my grandfather to lie, cheat ,steal, purposefully hurt someone. Ive never known of him to be abusive to my grandmother in ANY way physically or emotionally. And believe me the women in my family cant test any mans sanity, lol. When God made him he went above & beyond on the salt of a man. He packed in as much good as a person could hold, then he sprinkled a little more. I may not have had a wonderful father to speak of but Ive ALWAYS had an amazing Grandfather So weather you have a wonderful father, grandfather, uncle or even if you've got a mom doing both jobs remember to appreciate them. God doesn't always give us what we want but we will always have what we need Happiest fathers day to everyone ミ♥✌☺☀∞