Thursday, October 28, 2010

Open Your Eyes!

I'm not perfect and never have I portrayed myself as so. I make mistakes. I mess up but everyday I live my life the best I can trying to do right by everyone I come in contact with. I learn, I grow, I become a better me with each day that passes. The people who take the time to truly know ME know this. The ones who can't see the depth of my heart are not people I want in my life. It hurts to finally realize someone you care for only sees the bad in you. Thats like seeing the ocean but never felling the water because you don't like the way the sand feels in your toes. You'll never know the know love or the true beauty of life if all you choose to see is the flaws in the world or things you don't like. No-one wants to be reminded of their short comings. Give praise to the accomplishments people make even if they are small to you. They may be huge to them. Take it from me, I'm doing the best that I can do everyday! But some people just see what I do wrong. Those people suck the life from you. They make you doubt yourself. They are like a cancer and must be removed! I only want people that feed positivity & hope into my life. I don't care how much I love you I will distance myself from you if you can't see ME for Me not just who You think I am!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mmmmm Greatness

Life is more than getting to the top & sensuality is more than getting laid Without passion life is empty without love life is pointless. Nothing could ever replace the intense connection that occurs n a moment of passion or the undeniable bond love creates its raw it can be sweet it can be rough it just has to be real!

To My Friends, Sorry I Suck

I'm so sorry friends. I've gotten so many emails just now that I'm ignoring or avoiding people. I promise that is not the case I'm not in any way! If you are on my friend list in anyway its because I want you there. It's just very difficult to work two jobs and try to keep up with everything else as well. I'm sorry if I'm sucking as a friend lately. Ive just been working so hard. Please understand. Love you guys!

Shaping your future

Your thoughts shape your actions & Your actions shape your life. Watch what you think. Be mindful of what your allowing to feed you heart is it positive or negative.Surround yourself with negativity & negative things are sure to follow. Surround yourself with Positivity & positive things will happen in your life. The choice is yours choose wisely! Happy Tuesday Friends Lets Make It Great!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Thoughts Take One!

Still trying to get this book straight I know I over think everything but its just who I am. I remember when I was getting my APT License the instructor told me "  calm down it's not brain surgery"   someone told me that again today..... I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Also All the people monitoring my progress told me I sound & act like a Disney princess, what does that mean.... Is that good or bad?! All I know is I wanna do good & prove to them they made the right choice. I'm excited about the challenge! One of the uppers made the statement your one of those that's going to work the system. My answer was NO, I'm the one that's going to make the system work. I fully understand the expectations of a business owner & understand the passion & dedication one must have to own a successful business. I'm thankful this opportunity has been brought into my life. I think every opportunity helps us grow stronger wiser & ultimately leads us to the person we are meant to be. Nothing is wasted as long as you are learning & growing...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tonight is one of them nights..... So to heck with it.

There are times to be nice & then there are other times when enough is just enough & you just say to heck with it. Tonight is one of them nights..... So to heck with it. Some people are manipulative insecure people that are unhappy with their circumstances & want others to suffer to. Instead of getting better they just get bitter & want you to join their bitter little world. Those people will never change. You can try to be nice to them but they are who they are. Realize it & walk away. They WILL try to follow and keep up their nonsense just keep walking. They aren't even worth your time. Little people with little dreams, goals or hope in life play games. Don't fall into their twisted web of unhappiness. Take an inventory of all the blessings in your life & turn that frustration into useful energy for the ones who deserve it.

This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years

I heard this statement on the news this morning my first thought because I was still asleep and hadn't had any coffee yet was "WOW, That is so cool!" After I had a cup of coffee it changed to " Huh that can't be right...." In fact NO it is NOT right....... 
Let’s think about this, a year can only start on one of seven days, so there are seven possible basic calendar years. Add leap years, and there are fourteen basic calendars. Period. And one of those calendars only gets used every 823 years? How would that be possible? It’s not of course, all fourteen calenders get cycled through regularly, in fact 2010 uses the exact same calendar as 1999. That’s eleven years, not 823.

Now it is cool that this month has 10-10-10. Since this date only occurs once a century and the five Fri/Sat/Sun occur only once every 7 or 8 years. Also we had the whole harvest/equinox moon thingy all of which are very cool. Add on top Rangers & My NY Yankees today thats definitely never happened before. This all sets up for a very memorable October.

Finale Point, Go ahead and save your 2010 calendar, it will be good again in these upcoming years:  2021, 2027, 2038, 2049, and 2055. And for future reference, 2066, 2077, 2083, 2094, and 2100.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm Ready

I carry my heart on my sleeve my faith on my chest & the weight of the world on my shoulders.I've turned my darkest hour into the brightest light that illuminates my path. Now I'm standing with no fear my heart filled with faith &love going boldly into my future!

Hate Me If You Want To Love Me If You Can!

We build so many walls in the world. Most of those walls are inside of us. We forget who we are & become what others want us to be. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Not everyone will like you & that's ok. Because those meant to be in your life will love you. And love is a lot better than like. Today and every other day just be you. Be who your meant to be grow better, grow strong, grow into the person you wish to be but ALWAYS Be true to yourself! Happy Saturday Friends

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's Just Who I Am

For better or worse what you see is what you get. I'm so tired of dealing with drama filled people who have nothing but negativity sugar-coated with "fakenesses"! I've had about all I can take! I don't care if your having a bad day. If your my friend I'll be there with you. I'll help get you through may even cry along side you. I'll smile with you & if I get mad enough my even curse with you but one thing you'll never see me do is be fake! Bring me what you got flaws & all! That's the only way I accept people. Who they are just as they are. That's just what real friends do. And it's just who I am.

365 Days A year This Is Me

I am amazed by the people who stand on a soap box & proclaim their loyalty & love for Christ but cant seem to align their actions with their words. I'm sorry I don't feel as though I need to shout my love or the depth of it for all to hear. I know they can hear it through my actions. My CONSISTENT actions day after day year after year. I'm not gonna send you a threatening letter cursing you out to the next day act as though the sun shines out of my behind to the rest of the world. For starters I would never do either in the first place. Second I dang sure wouldn't do it then have the audacity to act as though it never happened. I would at very least be embarrassed of my own actions & apologize.  I'm sorry it's just not who I am. If I can't be the way I am in public the way I am in private maybe just maybe I should stop and think, who am I. Do you really know who you are? Can you look in the mirror every day & be proud of yourself your actions & your actions against others. Do you spend your days bringing others down or lifting others up. Do you add value to the word or do you only add drama. Deeds not Words alone that's what people see. No-one cares what you know or say until they know who you are & that you truly care!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Scars Of Life

The reason some scars never fade is because we're meant to always remember the lesson we learned. I love my scars, each one of them tells a story about my past. For me, they represent momentary weakness but long term strength. To me scars are beautiful. It's all Wabi-Sabi Baby!

Friday, October 8, 2010

True Fact

Success is not measured by what you accomplished but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage by which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

To You, You Know Who You Are

I think it's very sad that someone was sitting up at 2:22am trying to figure out how to hack my yahoo, facebook & twitter accounts. I'm sure your nosey little self is on here if your going through that much trouble. Let me just tell you now, you need to worry about creating your own life & find your own happiness & place in the world. I am not that interesting!! Furthermore you will never be able to hack my account & even if you did you would find nothing. Unlike so many people, I realize the depth someone like you would go to trying to hurt another so I do not save my private emails, YIMS or anything else. I can only imagine the strife, bitterness, loneliness and sorrow you must have in your heart to do things like this. I'm sorry for whatever pain your caring with you day to day I would wish that on no-one. I promise you there is a world of happiness & love with your name on it. I hope you find the strength you need to move past whatever is bothering you set your problems down & find peace.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Short & to the point ;-)

Remember, your attitude affects others more than you realize, so don't spread negativity by only focusing on your problems spread hope by focusing on the solutions!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We are all worthy of happy life full of love

Trying to deal with the day to day problems of life can sometimes just seem so overwhelming. The world gets deeper with complications day by day. Even the most positive & blessed people get discouraged. It's not a sickness it's human nature. We are here to support each other and lift each other up. In those moments of sadness and confusion if we are lucky we have friends & loved ones to see us through. Some people are simply not that lucky. And even worse, many are just children. It is each of our responsibility to remember to not just be a human "  being"  & make daily conscious effort to be a Human "  Doing".  Doing something to make a difference, to reach out to those around us, to make the world a better place. We've each been placed here purposefully & there is no such thing as a life not worth it. Because we are all worthy of happy life full of love ✌ღ☺

Friday, October 1, 2010

God will see you through

It's so hard some days to know the one thing you've always wanted is one of the only things you'll never have. You question so much. You wonder what have you done so wrong & why has God forgotten you. In times of weakness your heart breaks. Your mind is lost & can't find a way to understand. There is no answer or comfort in sight. Nothing takes away the pain & nothing makes it better. But you must go on so you breath strength in. With no understanding you continue tried & true knowing God will see you through.

Become the person you are meant to be!

There are things in life we've always longed for but no matter how hard we try we'll just never have. Some things just aren't meant to be. That doesn't mean life has let us down it just means life has a different path than we've imagined for ourselves. Life has so many ups and downs. We achieve greatness to fall straight down to the depth of failure to realize success comes from within. The world can take everything you have & destroy you unless you truly know who you are. Its hard to have all to turn & lose it all & find the strength to fight for it again. But in & through that strength you find yourself. The person you were, the person you are & the person you hope to become. Success is great but teaches you nothing. It's the great failures, the hardest falls the deepest weaknesses that you find yourself. You find the person your meant to be. You'll never know true greatness until you experience failure. When you reach the deepest darkest corners of life your given a gift few will ever receive. You know you can look in the face of evil & you have nothing to fear. Success is a state of mind & a choice. The difference between failure & success is nothing more than the execution of a dream and the fear residing in your heart convincing you your not worthy of greatness. You are here purposefully & with cause. Don't allow your gifts to go wasted. Become all you can be today nothing is standing in your way but you. Move fear aside & with virility take place as the person your meant to be.  You are worthy, you are deserving & you are capable. Become the person you are meant to be!