Thursday, October 28, 2010
Open Your Eyes!
I'm not perfect and never have I portrayed myself as so. I make mistakes. I mess up but everyday I live my life the best I can trying to do right by everyone I come in contact with. I learn, I grow, I become a better me with each day that passes. The people who take the time to truly know ME know this. The ones who can't see the depth of my heart are not people I want in my life. It hurts to finally realize someone you care for only sees the bad in you. Thats like seeing the ocean but never felling the water because you don't like the way the sand feels in your toes. You'll never know the know love or the true beauty of life if all you choose to see is the flaws in the world or things you don't like. No-one wants to be reminded of their short comings. Give praise to the accomplishments people make even if they are small to you. They may be huge to them. Take it from me, I'm doing the best that I can do everyday! But some people just see what I do wrong. Those people suck the life from you. They make you doubt yourself. They are like a cancer and must be removed! I only want people that feed positivity & hope into my life. I don't care how much I love you I will distance myself from you if you can't see ME for Me not just who You think I am!