I am amazed by the people who stand on a soap box & proclaim their loyalty & love for Christ but cant seem to align their actions with their words. I'm sorry I don't feel as though I need to shout my love or the depth of it for all to hear. I know they can hear it through my actions. My CONSISTENT actions day after day year after year. I'm not gonna send you a threatening letter cursing you out to the next day act as though the sun shines out of my behind to the rest of the world. For starters I would never do either in the first place. Second I dang sure wouldn't do it then have the audacity to act as though it never happened. I would at very least be embarrassed of my own actions & apologize. I'm sorry it's just not who I am. If I can't be the way I am in public the way I am in private maybe just maybe I should stop and think, who am I. Do you really know who you are? Can you look in the mirror every day & be proud of yourself your actions & your actions against others. Do you spend your days bringing others down or lifting others up. Do you add value to the word or do you only add drama. Deeds not Words alone that's what people see. No-one cares what you know or say until they know who you are & that you truly care!