I think it's very sad that someone was sitting up at 2:22am trying to figure out how to hack my yahoo, facebook & twitter accounts. I'm sure your nosey little self is on here if your going through that much trouble. Let me just tell you now, you need to worry about creating your own life & find your own happiness & place in the world. I am not that interesting!! Furthermore you will never be able to hack my account & even if you did you would find nothing. Unlike so many people, I realize the depth someone like you would go to trying to hurt another so I do not save my private emails, YIMS or anything else. I can only imagine the strife, bitterness, loneliness and sorrow you must have in your heart to do things like this. I'm sorry for whatever pain your caring with you day to day I would wish that on no-one. I promise you there is a world of happiness & love with your name on it. I hope you find the strength you need to move past whatever is bothering you set your problems down & find peace.