Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tonight is one of them nights..... So to heck with it.

There are times to be nice & then there are other times when enough is just enough & you just say to heck with it. Tonight is one of them nights..... So to heck with it. Some people are manipulative insecure people that are unhappy with their circumstances & want others to suffer to. Instead of getting better they just get bitter & want you to join their bitter little world. Those people will never change. You can try to be nice to them but they are who they are. Realize it & walk away. They WILL try to follow and keep up their nonsense just keep walking. They aren't even worth your time. Little people with little dreams, goals or hope in life play games. Don't fall into their twisted web of unhappiness. Take an inventory of all the blessings in your life & turn that frustration into useful energy for the ones who deserve it.