Friday, December 17, 2010

How much do you think is too much when it comes to... mixing kids and caffeine?

 The question was asked on the news and brings up a very important topic. Here is my opinion what do you think? Do you let your children have caffeine?

I think a soda, ice tea, chocolate drink (all which have caffeine) every now & then is ok. As with everything in life the key is moderation. When you don't allow a child to ever have something it creates deep rooted issues that can linger ...forever. The key is teaching our children a healthy lifestyle. And nothing speaks louder than actions. Our children are going to copy many of the things we do. Knowing that we must be wise about our actions. Im positive soda everyday can't be good. But at the same time can you really imagine not ever seeing those happy moments created around a campfire with smores & hot chocolate or a cold summers day without a rootbeer float? And when my daughter was younger & wanted a delicious Starbucks treat caffeine free is the way to go for both of us :)