Real friend are priceless
You may not like me or what I have to say but you'll know where I stand. If I'm your friend I'll be your friend always. People in my heart will always be in my heart & no-one can or ever will change that ever! Day by day it gets clearer who those meant to be in my life truly are. The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. There are few people who will be there when everything goes wrong when they have nothing to gain. Those are the ones we should hold on to but sometimes can't see till the dust has settled. Those people are our angles sent to watch after us. A real friend is always a friend and doesn't ever walk out on you. Especially when you need them, that's not what real friends do. They are there good and bad and understand when things aren't perfect. We don't loose friends, we just learn who our real ones are. You Always Find Out Who Your Real Friends Are In Bad Situations! I'm so thankful for my real friends. Real friend are priceless, its the family we choose. ♥